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Tweeter et les contenus adultes, c’est fini

banurama3019 le 16/12/2019 à 16:23


This heralded a changing of the times. After Tumblr’s surprise decision to ban all adult content on the platform, something that was brought about from a concern that some people featured in this kind of content might actually be under the legal age of consent, Facebook and Instagram cracked down even further on these kinds of content as well. This went as far as restricting the use of certain kinds of emojis as well, emojis that are considered to be sexual in nature due to their general implications.

It seems like Twitter is now joining the growing list of social media platforms that are banning content that is sexual in nature. Starting from the 1st of January 2020, content that contains graphic gore, sensitive or violent sexual imagery will no longer be allowed on the platform. This is basically being done to prevent such content from contributing to the widespread sexual violence committed against women on a daily basis, and turn Twitter into a more family friendly place.

While the sentiment behind this new policy surrounding NSFW content seems to make sense, some people are criticizing the micro-blogging platform for it. One group of people that are criticizing it include artists that specialize in NSFW artwork, sex workers that upload content to the platform as well as general fetish enthusiasts.


dev_tty le 17/12/2019 à 10:12

Bon, ça va. Il nous reste le NSFW gay.