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De la politique de modération de tweeter

banurama3019 le 26/11/2019 à 10:10


Twitter suspended a conservative gay journalist for hate speech Monday for stating without rancor that trans murder rates are low.

Andy Ngo committed the “hateful conduct” in response to a tweet by former first daughter Chelsea Clinton that said that “since 2013, more than 150 trans people have been murdered in the U.S., the majority Black transgender women,” which she called “an epidemic of violence and hate.”

Not so fast, Mr. Ngo said, noting that 150 deaths over several years in a nation of more than 300 million people is hardly an epidemic.

“The US is one of the safest countries for trans people. The murder rate of trans victims is actually lower than that for cis population,” he wrote on Twitter.

He also noted that liberals are being silent about an important detail — “Also, who is behind the murders? Mostly black men.”
